About us


Stichting Cultuurjam was launched on the  2nd of may 2014 after we have succeeded in formally registering the foundation in the Chamber of commerce and are legally competent to operate as a foundation in the Netherlands.

Our Mission

Culture Jam Foundation Is dedicated to the integration, development and emancipation of African immigrants in the Netherlands, especially those in disadvantaged socio-economic situations.

Our Goals

With our activities we aim to bring the African immigrants living on social welfare closer to the labor market. This we intend achieving by offering them help, advice and support in the areas of integration where they are rendered handicap due to knowledge and language barriers. We will further create a platform where this group is empowered into venturing into businesses that promotes the African culture, for example buying and selling of African food products, fashion and rendering van catering service in the African cuisine. Whereby they will be contributing greatly to the promotion of the African image within the Dutch society and by so doing climbing further up in the economic ladder and actively participating in the labor market.

Our target is that we by increasing the participation of this group in the society succeed at reducing the population of this group living on social welfare by a minimum of 150 people per year.

Our Modus operandi

  1. Increasing the empowerment of individuals and groups by providing them with needed information, resources and support to be able to navigate easily in an unfamiliar society.
  2.  Connecting the link between social workers and those needing their help by liaison for attention for individual problems by the responsible institutions and organizations and government bodies.
  3.  Increasing cultural tolerance by presenting the beautiful African culture to the Dutch society through the African Cuisine, Fashion and traditions.


Stichting Cultuur Jam Is gericht op het integreren, ontwikkeling en emanciperen van Afrikaanse immigranten in Nederland, vooral die in achtergestelde sociaaleconomische situatie.

Met onze activiteiten streven wij deze doelgroep dichterbij de arbeidsmarkt te brengen. Dit doen we door ze een platform aan te bieden waar zij culturele activiteiten organiseren om op deze wijze te gaan ondernemen of deel te nemen aan de arbeidsmarkt. Hierdoor hopen wij de participatie van deze doelgroep te vergroten en eventueel de populatie in de bijstand te verlagen tot minimaal 150 personen per jaar.

Onze taken

Onze taak is driedelig:

  1. Individuen en groepen sterker te maken door middel van Empowerment: het aanbieden van benodigd informatie, middelen en ondersteuning om zelfverzekerd te worden in een onbekende maatschappij. Wij gaan verder waar de overheid stopt.
  2.  Verbinden leggen tussen hulpverleners en hulpzoekende: door aandacht te vragen voor individuele problemen bij instellingen en organisaties.
  3.  Verhogen van cultuur tolerantie: door het presenteren van de Afrikaanse cultuur aan de Nederlandse maatschappij via de Afrikaanse Cuisine, Mode en tradities.